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The Gospel Mystery |
Unlimited Power for Unlimited Life |
The Power of The MysteryHidden from the Ages. That's what the Apostle Paul said about The Mystery in his letter to the church at Colosse (His epistle is in your Bible. The book is called Colossians.) The Mystery of the Gospel was something new, something that had not been known before Christ ... and, sadly, is not much known even today, more than 2000 years later. Paul says this Mystery is "the hope of glory!" In all his writings he speaks of it in one way or another. He makes many statements where you will find the Mystery, if you look for it.
Jesus prayed to Our Father (John 17), "I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect." It is He in us that makes us perfect. While churchianity asks, "Who are you in Christ?" they should be asking, "Who is Christ in us?" It is God who works in us both to will and to do His good pleasure. Yet today this Mystery is seldom spoken of from pulpits. Perhaps schooling of preachers and priests emphasizes other things too much. Yet, this is the power of the Gospel. Paul warns us against those who "have a form of godliness, yet deny the power thereof." Once you see the Mystery for yourself, you'll understand that power is the Life of Christ within you. It is not your righteousness, God seeks, but that of His Son, the Lamb of Calvary, alive within the heart of every soul who invites Christ in. This is where Eternal Life is born ... here-and-now ... the moment Christ is invited in. Some denominations come close to teaching the power of the Mystery, but all fall short, believing it's up to us to please God with our efforts while, in fact, all we need is Jesus in our Hearts, guiding us, teaching us, transforming our minds so we willingly obey, we happily serve, and we gratefully obtain His Promise. Life Eternal ... in the here-and-now ... as soon as we invite Him in as Lord and Savior. Learn more about The Mystery of the Gospel. Support our ministry. Order our book today. Philadelphia Missions Trust |
Mystery Revealed---------------------------------- Mystery RevealedOur little book reveals to you the Mystery of Christ's Gospel. This is the mystery that's been hidden from the ages, as the Apostle Paul writes about it in his letters to the Churches. It is a mystery that offers unlimited power for unlimited life ... just as Jesus promised us. Why have men hidden the power from you? Answer this question and discover the great mystery Christ offers. The Bible says it is your "hope of glory". Click on the image of our book above to access your FREE copy and please use the PayPal button below to support our work! #
© 2009 by Philadelphia Missions Trust, UTD 27 July 2004, Public Records, Martin County, Florida |